What different types of Investments are there?

There are of course lots of different types of investments you can put your money into. As financial advisors we only offer regulated investments.  This means that if an investment goes bust, you’re covered under the financial services compensation scheme or if you have a complaint, you can also refer your complaint to the financial ombudsman service. 

Investments that fall under this category are for example – pensions, stocks and shares ISAs, investment bonds and unit trusts. You should always be made aware before entering into any investment if the investments are regulated or not in an initial disclosure document. All of these invest in different funds and are relevant to individuals risk profile.

Then you have unregulated investments. A topical one just now is bitcoin. Bitcoin can offer huge returns as a lot of individuals have experienced of late but it carries NO security in terms of the redress via complaint or indeed if the bitcoin goes bust or is liquidated.

Other unregulated investments you hear of like wine or indeed even things such as car parking spaces are airports for rental agreements are in place. Again these can offer a particularly high income and/or offer fantastic returns but have additional risks attached.

Whilst we don’t advise unregulated investments this is not to put you off as lots of people have made good sums of money from these types of investments. The purpose of this is just to make aware the differences between regulated in and unregulated investments. you may want all of these as part of your portfolio, however we just advise in certain fully regulated areas to ensure that you’re always protected.

For more information, get in touch.

Strategic Wealth Solutions LTD  is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/products